Katelyn Baxter is a 19 year old singer songwriter from Stirling but currently based in Ayr as she studies music at UWS. Her music is soft and fits into a very songwriter genre, most of her songs are super chill and laid back but she wants to explore more upbeat melodies in the future. Katelyn has been writing songs since she was about 11 years old and yet only started to grow her confidence during 2020 to release music and show herself off! She's released three songs, and Katelyn's latest "Can't keep promises" was her first studio recorded single and it was awesome to hear on BBC introducing, one of her biggest achievements so far.
A 20-year-old Slovakian girl moved to the land of music without knowing English! An angelic voice on a swing can be heard in melancholic melodies of pop or folk. Music has been at her side since the beginning, and if you wonder when the beginning is - nobody knows. The first song was written by Sally En as an 11 year old girl right after she learned two chords on the guitar. She wanted to be Hannah Montana, maybe that's why she unknowingly dyed her hair blonde. Spirit fairy is influenced by random strangers on the street whose storytelling conversations she incorporates into song lyrics. Subtle heart singing songs to touch yours. She is currently working on her new song "Call it home".